Our Jetskifishing experiences are growing with popularity and your opportunity to join us on our next trip which is now open for bookings today. Check out the location where we fished, along with some added tips with which was the 'hot' colour and model slow jig which we currently have on sale at Jetskifishing.
Cape Barrier at Great Barrier Island.
Despite the 30 knot winds and up to 3 metre swells, we fished best in the BLUE areas with a depth of 35 to 40 metres.
With no anchor or drogue, we used 2 to 4 oz weights. We cast 15 metres ahead of our skis, to allow for the fast drift and so the baits could get to the fish zone.
Fishing Location - Cape Barrier of GB Island.
Launch area, beach launching at Little Sandy and Big Sandy Bay at Port Charles.
Due to popular demand, we have arranged another Goes Wild adventure, book quickly to avoid the disappointment of missing out!
Andrew Hill