By 11:30am I had already arrived at Great Barrier and had caught some fish for dinner. The fish were on the bite and by using the Nemesis Sapphire Shine, I was rewarded with a 7 kilo Snapper out of the wash. This was a trip like no other, everyone catching fish at their various pick spots.
When organising these trips, I get so much enjoyment from seeing our guests catching fish and them all having such a great experience, so there is no need for me to be out fishing all day. With a few fish in the chilly bin, I opted to head back, get cleaned up and get ready to see what every one had caught.
Talk about the dream trip, I always see new personal bests from our anglers and what unfolded were some pretty special moments. Malcolm, only new to our sport, catches this monster and joins our 20 pound club with this 9.75kg Snapper caught on the Gulp Nemesis Pink Shine.
After being blown away by that catch, their was rumour of a even bigger catch! Next was from a complete newbie to our group. Jeff has been Jetskifishing for 6 years and after eagerly following my adventures, gained courage to join me on one of our social trips. The big selling point was the thought of him possibly "catching a personal best". How is this for a catch...the first drop and he lands this massive 33 pound Snapper, the biggest Snapper any of us had seen!
Caught on one of our 40 gram Orange Gold Jitterbugs, I am sure this will be a big selling coloured lure this month at the Jetskifishing Store ;-)
The first day had some truly amazing catches and continued for the four days of the trip! We even managed to fit in some Kingfish action at Cuvier Island. This pic shows the bite we had, all four skis hooked up at once, got to love Jetskifishing!
Seeing new people to our sport having as much fun as they do, is what keeps me motivated to put so much time in to this sport. Their appreciation and excitement is inspiring for others on these trips, so much fun on and off the water. Lachlan pictured below, rated this days fishing with us as his best in his life, that says it all about these social trips!
All of us who ventured wide caught Kingies, and I even played on the light gear with the Berkley Squiddos.
An awesome trip with a great crew, can't wait until this weeks Goes Wild 7, with 36 keen Jetskifisho's booked to head for the same fishing grounds. Here's hoping we get some more of the same action and the weather plays ball.
Cheers, Andrew Hill
Andrew Hill